
A Supply Chain Built for Competitive Advantage

In an era defined by disruption, organizations must be able to respond quickly to changing business needs and customer demands. In the past few years alone, a trifecta of events—the pandemic, political turmoil, and natural disasters—have wreaked havoc on the supply and demand equation, challenging organizations to rethink their supply chains so that they might build the visibility and flexibility needed to become more resilient. In fact, an October 2022 survey of 189 executives by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services finds that 94% of executives say supply chain operations are a higher priority for organizations today than they were three years ago. What’s more, nearly all (97%) respondents strongly or somewhat agree that having a resilient supply chain positively impacts a company’s bottom line

Uncover the top qualities of a competitive supply chain

Find out why supply chain leaders agree that a resilient supply chain positively impacts their bottom line in this Harvard Business Review Analytic Services white paper.

A Supply Chain Built for Competitive Advantage